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Overseas Projects

With the long-term strategy of going-out policy, the group has been exploring overseas markets and actively bidding for overseas project. In 2008, they won the bid of project of construction, steel-structure and electricity installation in iron district in republic of Madagascar, with the total project value of USD 46.2 million. It has been rewarded as top contractor among all the contractors from China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, France and has received high praise from the customers. In recent years, Jiangdu enjoyed a good reputation in Singapore, Madagascar, Mongolia, Arab Emirates, Guinea-Bissau, Rwanda and other countries. Now, the group not only undertakes the construction of projects, but entitled by the Ministry of Commerce to inspect of the overseas project.


Madagascar Anbatuowei mine construction, steel and electrical and mechanical installation


General Army Hospital of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau


People Palace of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau


Government office building of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau


Laos National Cultural Centre


Algeria Sheraton Hotel


Ghana Kumasi Youth Centre